Red Dress

When the sky clouded over for a few days late last week, and the greyness settled in, I decided to fight it. Like many people cover grey hairs with a colour, I decided a bright dress was all I needed to colour my day. I picked up this dress at H&M a few months ago for 9.95€, but I haven’t worn it till now.

Quand les nuages sont arrivés la semaine dernière, et que la grisaille a pris place, j’ai decidé de me rebeller :-). C’etait un peu comme lorsque les femmes decouvre un cheveu blanc, et qu’elles le cache avec de la couleur. J’ai donc decidé qu’une robe de couleur flashy etait tout ce dont j’avais besoin pour ensoleiller ma journée. Cela fait plusieurs mois que j’ai acheté cette robe pour 9.85€ chez H&M, mais c’était la premiere fois que je la portais.

Dress/Robe – H&M

Shoes/Chaussures – Nine West (old collection/ancienne collection)

Clutch/Sac – Country Road

Headband/Serre-tête & Belt/Cienture – DIY

~ by fashiondevotion on August 9, 2010.

13 Responses to “Red Dress”

  1. Beautiful Red Dress !!!!!!! 😉

  2. Girl you look truly devine in this dress! Love the red with your long dark hair 🙂

    Cute blog too and loving the name 🙂

    Take care and till soon!


  3. you look great in red!

  4. I love you in red. The CR clutch is perfect

  5. i love your dress!! 🙂

  6. such a nice red dress!!
    you look so adorable in it!!!!

    cute blog you have, what about following each other??


  7. red suits you so well! xx

  8. The red dress looks stunning with your dark hair. I love to see these pictures of Paris as I have not been yet, but yearn to go someday soon!


  9. I love your red dress, the clutch goes so well with it!

  10. Love that red dress, you look really pretty hunny. x

  11. Such cute dres!

  12. this red dress is great!! :))

  13. I like the red dress! Great! lol

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